California Historical Landmarks
www.californiahistoricallandmarks.comLandmarks Map Categories Contact Sign In We have currently visited 1114 of 1,114 landmarks in California. Keep checking back to follow our journey! Scroll Down Featured Landmark CHL No. 673 San Gregorio - San Diego Visited: Oct 2016 GPS: 33.2220333333333,-116.270141666667
California Historical Landmarks Registration - CA State Parks Historical Landmarks #770 and above are automatically listed in the California Register of Historical Resources. To be designated as a California Historical Landmark, a resource must meet at least one of the criteria listed below; have the approval of the property owner(s); be recommended by the State Historical Resources Commission ...
California Historical Landmarks By County - CA State Parks › defaultCalifornia Historical Landmarks (CHLs) are buildings, structures, sites, or places that have been determined to have statewide historical significance by meeting at least one of the criteria listed below: The first, last, only, or most significant of its type in the state or within a large geographic region (Northern, Central, or Southern ...