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aktuelle position ever given

Where is Ever Given today?
Ever Given is one of the largest container ships in the world. While travelling from Malaysia to Netherlands, the ship ran aground in the Suez Canal, blocking the traffic for 6 days from 23rd to 29th of March 2021. Where is it now? The Story.
Ship EVER GIVEN (Container Ship) Registered in Panama ...
Vessel EVER GIVEN is a Container Ship, Registered in Panama. Discover the vessel's particulars, including capacity, machinery, photos and ownership. Get the details of the current Voyage of EVER GIVEN including Position, Port Calls, Destination, ETA and Distance travelled - IMO 9811000, MMSI 353136000, Call Sign H3RC
EVER GIVEN Current Position (Other Type, MMSI: 353136000, IMO ...
Real-time and current position of EVER GIVEN (Other Type, MMSI: 353136000, IMO: 9811000) on ais live map is in Mediterranean Sea - Eastern Basin with coordinates 36.39310° / 14.89186° and speed 20.9 knots as reported on 2022-01-18 18:04 by AIS live data.
EVER GIVEN, Container Ship - Details and current position ... › vessels › EVER-GIVEN-IMO
The current position of EVER GIVEN is at West Mediterranean (coordinates 36.80244 N / 1.21128 E) reported 11 hours ago by AIS. The vessel is en route to the port of Port Said, Egypt, sailing at a speed of 21.1 knots and expected to arrive there on Jan 20, 20:00.
EVER GIVEN Current Position ( - DUAL TRACKING - Marine ... › ...
Where is the current position of EVER GIVEN presently? Vessel EVER GIVEN is a cargo ship sailing under the flag of Panama. Her IMO number is 9811000 and ...
EVER GIVEN Current Position ( - DUAL TRACKING - ) | Marine ...
EVER GIVEN Current Position Where is the current position of EVER GIVEN presently? Vessel EVER GIVEN is a cargo ship sailing under the flag of Panama.Her IMO number is 9811000 and MMSI number is 353136000. Main ship particulars are length of 400 m and beam of 59 m. Maps below show the following voyage data - Present Location, NExt port, Estimated (ETA) and …
EVER GIVEN (IMO 9811000, Container Ship) - Vessel Tracking › ship
EVER GIVEN current position is received by AIS and displayed on next chart by using of VesselFinder services. Vessel details for EVER GIVEN. Ship Particulars ...
Vessel EVER GIVEN (Ship) IMO 9811000, MMSI 353136000 › vessels
Get the latest live position for the EVER GIVEN. You can also check the schedule, technical details and many more.
EVER GIVEN Current Position ( - DUAL TRACKING - ) › vessels › EVER-GIVEN
Track current position of EVER GIVEN on Live Map and find its IMO, MMSI, Call Sign, 9811000,353136000
EVER GIVEN Containerschiff | Aktuelle Position und Schiffsdaten › ever-given
EVER GIVEN ⚓ Verfolgen Sie mit unserem Schiffsradar die weltweite Position der EVER GIVEN Jetzt Live Online Echtzeit Tracking
EVER GIVEN, Container Ship - Details and current position ...…
The current position of EVER GIVEN is at West Mediterranean (coordinates 36.80244 N / 1.21128 E) reported 11 hours ago by AIS. The vessel is en route to the port of Port Said, Egypt, sailing at a speed of 21.1 knots and expected to arrive there on Jan 20, 20:00.. The vessel EVER GIVEN (IMO: 9811000, MMSI 353136000) is a Container Ship built in 2018 (4 years old) and …
Ever Given - Container Ship - Marine Traffic › ships
Container Ship EVER GIVEN ; is currently located at WMED - West Mediterranean ; at position 36° 53' 04.6" N, 012° 20' 53.3" E ; IMO: 9811000 ; Name: EVER GIVEN.
EVER GIVEN Current Position (Other Type, MMSI: 353136000 ...
Real-time and current position of EVER GIVEN (Other Type, MMSI: 353136000, IMO: 9811000) on ais live map is in Mediterranean Sea - Eastern Basin with coordinates 36.39310° / 14.89186° and speed 20.9 knots as reported on 2022-01-18 18:04 by AIS live data.
Ever Given News: Aktuelle Nachrichten von heute (Deutsch) › 214915-ever-given
Oct 02, 2021 · Nachrichten. Unser Newsticker zum Thema Ever Given enthält aktuelle Nachrichten aud Deutsch von heute Mittwoch, dem 8. Dezember 2021, gestern und dieser Woche. In unserem Nachrichtenticker können Sie live die neuesten Eilmeldungen von Portalen, Zeitungen, Magazinen und Blogs lesen sowie nach älteren Meldungen suchen.
EVER GIVEN - IMO: 9811000, MMSI: 353136000 - My Ship ... › Vessels › Undefined
The last position was recorded while the vessel was in Coverage by the Ais receivers of our vessel tracking app. The current draught of EVER GIVEN as reported ...
EVER GIVEN Current Position ( - DUAL TRACKING - ) | Marine ... › vessels › EVER-GIVEN
EVER GIVEN Current Position Where is the current position of EVER GIVEN presently? Vessel EVER GIVEN is a cargo ship sailing under the flag of Panama. Her IMO number is 9811000 and MMSI number is 353136000. Main ship particulars are length of 400 m and beam of 59 m. Maps below show the following voyage data - Present Location, NExt port ...
Ever Given - Other Ship, IMO 9811000, MMSI ... - Vessel Tracker › Ships
Details für das Schiff Ever Given, IMO 9811000, Other Ship, Position Mediterranean Sea mit aktueller AIS-Schiffsposition und Schiffsfotos von ...
Verdammter Starkregen! Containerschiff Ever Given steckt im ... › 2021 › 07
Jul 14, 2021 · Mittwoch, 14. Juli 2021. Verdammter Starkregen! Containerschiff Ever Given steckt im Ortskern von Hagen fest. Hagen (dpo) - Erst vor knapp einer Woche erlaubten die ägyptischen Behörden dem Containerschiff Ever Given, das im März sechs Tage lang den Suezkanal blockierte, die Weiterfahrt. Doch offenbar kam der 400 Meter lange Frachter auf dem ...
EVER GIVEN, Container Ship - Schiffsdaten und aktuelle ...
EVER GIVEN aktuelle Position und Geschichte der Port-Anrufe werden von AIS empfangen. Technische Spezifikationen, Mengen und Verwaltungsdetails stammen aus der VesselFinder-Datenbank. Die Daten dienen nur zu Informationszwecken und VesselFinder ist nicht verantwortlich für die Genauigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit von EVER GIVEN Daten.
Ever Given - Aktuelle Position und Schiffsdaten - Schiffsradar › ever-given
EVER GIVEN ⚓ Verfolgen Sie mit unserem Schiffsradar die weltweite Position der EVER GIVEN ✓ Jetzt Live Online ✓ Echtzeit Tracking.
EVER GIVEN - Other Type (IMO: 9811000, MMSI: 353136000 ...
Die aktuelle Position von EVER GIVEN befindet sich in Mediterranean Sea - Eastern Basin mit den Koordinaten 36.37014° / 15.00676°, wie von AIS am 2022-01-18 18:21 an unsere Schiffsverfolgungs-App. Die aktuelle Geschwindigkeit des Schiffes betragt 20.9 Knoten und fahrt in den Hafen von PORT SAID.Die geschatzte Ankunftszeit, berechnet von der …
Ever Given reaches Rotterdam after Suez Canal debacle - DW › ever-given-rea...
The Ever Given finally arrived in the Dutch port of Rotterdam on Thursday, some four months after the giant container ship was stuck for ...
EVER GIVEN - Aktuelle Schiffspositionen - Hafenradar
MMSI: 353136000, IMO-Nr: 9811000, Funkrufzeichen: H3RC , Schiffstyp: Cargo, Flagge Panama, Deadweight: 199489, Gross Tonnage: 217612, Länge/Breite: 399.94 /...
EVER GIVEN Current position (Container Ship, IMO 9811000) › ...
EVER GIVEN last position is 33.78877 N, 26.11106 E heading to Port Said, Egypt with speed of 20.0 knots. TRACK ON MAP...
EVER GIVEN Containerschiff | Aktuelle Position und ...
24.3.2021 · EVER GIVEN ⚓ Verfolgen Sie mit unserem Schiffsradar die weltweite Position der EVER GIVEN Jetzt Live Online Echtzeit Tracking