Ever Given - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Ever_GivenEver Given is one of the largest container ships in the world. The ship is owned by Shoei Kisen Kaisha, and is time chartered and operated by container transportation and shipping company Evergreen Marine, headquartered in Luzhu, Taoyuan, Taiwan. Ever Given is registered in Panama and her technical management is the responsibility of the German ship management company Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement. On 23 March 2021, while traveling from Tanjung Pelepas in Malaysia to Rotterdam in the Netherlan
Ever Given – Wikipedia
https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ever_GivenEver Given on taiwanilaisen Evergreen Marine -varustamon konttilaiva. Se on maailman suurimpia konttilaivoja. Se on 400 metriä pitkä ja 59 metriä leveä. Ever Givenin omistaa japanilainen yhtiö, sitä operoi taiwanilainen varustamo ja alus on rekisteröity Panamaan .
EVER GIVEN, Container Ship - Details and current position ...
www.vesselfinder.com › vessels › detailsThe current position of EVER GIVEN is at North Sea (coordinates 52.6091 N / 2.77878 E) reported 0 min ago by AIS. The vessel is en route to the port of Rotterdam, Netherlands, sailing at a speed of 3.1 knots and expected to arrive there on Nov 11, 11:00 . The vessel EVER GIVEN (IMO: 9811000, MMSI 353136000) is a Container Ship built in 2018 (4 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of Panama .