Adult Protective Services | DSHS Protective Services (APS) is dedicated to serving vulnerable adults. We investigate reports about abuse, abandonment, neglect, exploitation and self-neglect of vulnerable adults in Washington State. We collaborate with other agencies to offer protective services as needed. Our goal is to promote lives free of harm while respecting individual choice.
MDHHS - Adult Protective Services › mdhhs › 0,5885,7/339/73971_7119Adult Protective Services. Adult Protective Services investigators protect vulnerable adults from abuse, neglect and exploitation by coordinating with mental health, public health, law enforcement, the probate courts, the aging network, community groups and the general public. If you suspect abuse, neglect or exploitation, call 855-444-3911 any ...
Adult Protective Services - Montana Protective Services can help: people who are age 60 or older; or if the person has a disability, age 18 and older; and who are being abused, neglected or exploited; Anyone who meets these criteria can request help. You don't have to be frail or …
Adult Protective Services | DSHS › altsa › adult-protective-servicesAdult Protective Services (APS) is dedicated to serving vulnerable adults. We investigate reports about abuse, abandonment, neglect, exploitation and self-neglect of vulnerable adults in Washington State. We collaborate with other agencies to offer protective services as needed. Our goal is to promote lives free of harm while respecting ...