Fact Sheets About ADHD | CDC
www.cdc.gov › ncbddd › adhdThe National Resource Center (NRC) on ADHD external icon The NRC is funded by the CDC to provide information and educational materials on this disorder. They have developed “What We Know” sheets to keep the general public and professionals up to date on new developments in research, treatments and successful strategies for children and adults with ADHD.
Mental health leaflets - NCMH
https://www.ncmh.info/leafletsAttention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD is a complex condition that is mainly diagnosed in childhood, but it can persist into adolescence and adulthood. Download Autism spectrum disorder in young people This leaflet contains helpful information about ASD symptoms and treatments. Download Bipolar disorder
ADHD - Mental Health Foundation
www.mentalhealth.org.uk › sites › defaultTreatment for ADHD Your doctor will probably ask you to see a specialist who knows all about ADHD. You and your carer may be given information or training on how to manage your ADHD. It will give you some tips and ideas. It will help your carer to support you in the best way possible. You may be given medicine.
The ADHD Service - CWP
https://www.cwp.nhs.uk/resources/leaflets/the-adhd-service16.1.2020 · The ADHD Service This leaflet provides information about the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Service. Download this leaflet by clicking the button on the right hand side. This leaflet is for parents and carers. 16 January 2020 Download The ADHD Service - E–TAS–19-798.pdf (1) 0.58MB Download Now Reports Policies Easy read leaflets