Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) - NHS › conditions › attention-deficitDiagnosing ADHD in adults is more difficult because there's some disagreement about whether the list of symptoms used to diagnose children and teenagers also applies to adults. In some cases, an adult may be diagnosed with ADHD if they have 5 or more of the symptoms of inattentiveness, or 5 or more of hyperactivity and impulsiveness, listed in diagnostic criteria for children with ADHD.
AD(H)D in Adults - NHS Lothian | Apps › AdhdAdultsAssessing AD(H)D in Adults. ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a neurodevelopmental disorder featuring a group of behavioural symptoms that include the following: Inattention. Forgetful and disorganised, poor concept of time, frequently loses important items; Difficulty sustaining attention