ZRO | ZROBrand
https://shop.zrogk.com/product/zro-0Force absorption & grip strength, protection from injury. The lack of grip / padding on these gloves teaches you to properly absorb force, thereby reducing injury risk. A common issue with younger keepers is the fear of the ball. By wearing these gloves, you are exposing keepers to a worst-case scenario – zero grip!
ZRO – The Modern-Day GK
https://www.moderndaygk.com/products/zroForce absorption & grip strength, protection from injury. The lack of grip / padding on these gloves teaches you to properly absorb force, thereby reducing injury risk. A common issue with younger keepers is the fear of the ball. By wearing these gloves, you are exposing keepers to a worst-case scenario – zero grip!
ZRO – The Modern-Day GK
www.moderndaygk.com › products › zroPsychological benefits. -Wearing the gloves doing the most fundamentally basic drills dramatically heightens the stress / anxiety levels of the goalkeeper. It throws them into the psychological challenge zone even during simple drills. Taking the keeper out of their comfort zone forcing psychological growth.
ZRO | ZROBrand
shop.zrogk.com › product › zro-0ZRO. Psychological benefits. -Wearing the gloves doing the most fundamentally basic drills dramatically heightens the stress / anxiety levels of the goalkeeper. It throws them into the psychological challenge zone even during simple drills. Taking the keeper out of their comfort zone forcing psychological growth.