Positiivinen mielenterveys - THL
thl.fi › fi › webPositiivisen mielenterveyden mittari Positiivista mielenterveyttä ja hyvinvointia mittaamaan on kehitetty Positiivisen mielenterveyden mittari, Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS). Mittari kehitettiin Warwickin ja Edinburghin yliopistoissa ja siitä on olemassa kaksi versiota: pitkä 14-osioinen (WEMWBS) ja lyhyt 7-osioinen ...
The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS)
warwick.ac.uk › fac › sciThe 14-item scale WEMWBS has 5 response categories, summed to provide a single score. The items are all worded positively and cover both feeling and functioning aspects of mental wellbeing, thereby making the concept more accessible. The scale has been widely used nationally and internationally for monitoring, evaluating projects and programmes ...