About WEMWBS - Warwick
https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/med/research/platform/wemwbs/aboutWEMWBS has 2 scales: the original 14-item scale and the short 7-item scale. The scales have been validated for use in: A wide variety of different geographical locations, languages and cultural contexts; Many different settings including the workplace, schools, health services and community wellbeing projects e.g. creative arts, gardening and walking groups
The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS)
warwick.ac.uk › fac › sciThe 14-item scale WEMWBS has 5 response categories, summed to provide a single score. The items are all worded positively and cover both feeling and functioning aspects of mental wellbeing, thereby making the concept more accessible. The scale has been widely used nationally and internationally for monitoring, evaluating projects and programmes ...