121 Synonyms & Antonyms of VARIABLE - Merriam-Webster
www.merriam-webster.com › thesaurus › variableSynonyms for variable adaptable, adjustable, alterable, changeable, elastic, flexible, fluid, malleable, modifiable, pliable Near Antonyms for variable constant, stable, steady, unchanging, uniform, unvarying Antonyms for variable established, fixed, immutable, inelastic, inflexible, invariable, nonmalleable, ramrod, set, unadaptable, unalterable,
variable synonyms with definition | Macmillan Thesaurus
https://www.macmillanthesaurus.com › ...Synonyms for 'variable': feature, quality, factor, aspect, nature, component, strand, facet, peculiarity, property, a badge of something.
31 Synonyms of VARIABLES | Merriam-Webster Thesaurus
www.merriam-webster.com › thesaurus › variablesSynonyms of variables as in neutron stars, variable stars Synonyms & Near Synonyms for variables binary stars, brown dwarfs (or brown dwarves), dwarfs (also dwarves), fixed stars, gassers, giant stars, lodestars (also loadstars), neutron stars, novas (or novae), pulsars, quasars, red dwarfs, red giants, red stars, subdwarfs, superclusters,