UPM – Wikipedia
https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/UPMUPM-Kymmene Oyj on suomalainen metsäteollisuusyhtiö, joka työllisti vuonna 2022 noin 17 200 henkilöä. Yhtiön liikevaihto oli vuonna 2022 11,7 miljardia euroa, ja sillä oli 132 100 osakkeenomistajaa. Vuonna 2017 UPM oli liikevaihdolla mitattuna Suomen viidenneksi suurin yritys .
www.upm.comUPM Raflatac is one of the world’s leading producers of self-adhesive label materials for consumer product and industrial labelling. upmraflatac.com Learn more UPM Specialty Papers offers labelling and packaging materials as well as office and graphic papers for labelling, commercial siliconising, packaging, office use and printing.
UPM (company) - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › UPM_(company)UPM Specialty Papers offers labelling and packaging materials as well as office and graphic papers for labelling, commercial siliconising, packaging, office use and printing. The paper mills are located in China, Germany and Finland. 9% of the company's comparable EBIT came from UPM Speciality Papers in 2021.
UPM (company) - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UPM_(company)The company's oldest mill was Papeteries de Docelles located in northeastern France, which produced traditional handpaper at the end of 15th century. The mill got its first paper making machine in the 1830s. UPM Docelles was disbanded in 2014. The company has a long tradition of forest industries in Finland. There the company's first paper mills and sawmills were put into operation in the beginning of the 1870s. Pulp manufacturing bega…