Turing machine | Definition & Facts | Britannica
www.britannica.com › technology › Turing-machineDec 2, 2022 · The Turing machine is not a machine in the ordinary sense but rather an idealized mathematical model that reduces the logical structure of any computing device to its essentials. As envisaged by Turing, the machine performs its functions in a sequence of discrete steps and assumes only one of a finite list of internal states at any given moment. The machine itself consists of an infinitely extensible tape, a tape head that is capable of performing various operations on the tape, and a ...
How a Turing Machine works? – I2CELL
www.i2cell.science › how-a-turing-machine-worksIt allows to understand how a TM works and keeps information in its memories and why a second memory is mandatory in addition to the tape (note that the tape, containing initial data, can be written by the head). The problem the machine has to solve is to indicate if a given string of 1s and 0s has an odd or an even number of 1s. It is asked the TM to keep the string intact but to append a 1 to the end of the string if there is an odd number of bits, otherwise append a 0, and halt.