TV5MONDE: learn French on the App Store › us › appWith TV5MONDE, learning French has never been so easy. The app will help you: - understand real French as it is spoken throughout the world, - learn to watch and understand images, - enrich your vocabulary, - test your grammatical knowledge, - discover the different francophone cultures.
TV5MONDE : Learn and Teach French › cms › -Teaching French with TV5MONDE is to: 1/ Put students in contact with the French language of today. 2/ Incite the will to learn French by use of attractive audiovisual resources. 3/ Apply an innovative teaching method based on the use of new technologies. 4/ Benefit from hundreds of free teaching aids and materials adapted to all levels.
TV5MONDE - Langue française
langue-francaise.tv5monde.comA la découverte du français. Plus de 400 vidéos et articles pour enrichir vos connaissances, ne plus vous tromper et même devenir expert ! Des quiz, des jeux, des dictées... Testez vos connaissances sur la langue française et progressez en vous amusant !