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TOEFL - Wikipedia › wiki › TOEFL
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) on englannin kielen standardoitu kaupallinen kielikoe, jota useiden maiden oppilaitokset käyttävät hakijoiden ...
Home - The TOEFL iBT® Test
VerkkoThe TOEFL ® Essentials ™ test measures the 4 core language skills — Listening, …
TOEFL testi › ... › Englannin kieli › TOEFL
TOEFL on IELTS-tutkinnon ohella yksi tunnetuimmista englannin kielitutkinnoista. Sitä käytetään laajasti muun muassa yhdysvaltalaisten ja kanadalaisten ...
TOEFL iBT Practice Tests (For Test Takers) › toefl › test-takers
Launch the TOEFL iBT Free Practice Test. TOEFL iBT ® Paper Edition Practice Test. This free official practice test uses real TOEFL iBT past test questions for the Reading, Listening, and Writing sections. It has the same paper-delivered format you'll experience on test day. The practice test includes all audio files and transcripts.
TOEFL iBT Test of English as a Foreign Language › kieli-ja-tasotestaus › toefl-ibt-...
TOEFL on yhdysvaltalaisten oppilaitosten yleisimmin käyttämä standardoitu kielitesti, ja sitä käytetään yleisesti englannin kielen testinä myös muualla ...
The TOEFL Tests - ETS › toefl
The TOEFL tests prepare students for university study, immigration and more. Select the TOEFL test you'd like to learn more about or register.
Resources for the TOEFL iBT Test - Educational Testing Service
VerkkoThe TOEFL iBT test helps you stand out confidently in English. It's the only test that …
TOEFL iBT ® Test - › toefl › test-takers
The TOEFL iBT test is the premiere test of academic English communication, and accepted and preferred worldwide. Learn how to prepare, where to study, where to take your test and more.
TOEFL® test - Exam English › TOEFL
The TOEFL® measures the ability of non-native speakers of English to use and understand North American English as it is spoken, written and heard in college and ...
TOEFL – Wikipedia
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language ) on englannin kielen standardoitu kaupallinen kielikoe, jota useiden maiden oppilaitokset käyttävät hakijoiden kielitaidon todistuksena.
Home - The TOEFL iBT® Test
The Home Edition TOEFL iBT ® Test test is a safe and convenient option for students who prefer to take the test at home rather than at an offline test center. The exam time is optional 24 hours a day, 4 days a week. The test content, format and experience are exactly the same as those taken at the test center.
TOEFL Exam 2023: Dates, Registration, Fees, Eligibility ... › toefl
Conducted by ETS, the full form of TOEFL is the Test of English as a Foreign Language and the ETS TOEFL exam measures all four academic English skills - reading ...
TOEFL iBT –kielitesti Suomessa - Kielikoulu Nuevo Mundo Oy › fin › kielitestit › Toefl
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) on standardoitu, maailmanlaajuisesti tunnettu ja arvostettu englannin kielen testi. Testi on jaettu neljään osaan: ...
The TOEFL Tests - Test of English as a Foreign Language › toefl
The TOEFL tests prepare students for university study, immigration and more. Select the TOEFL test you’d like to learn more about or register.
The TOEFL Tests - Test of English as a Foreign Language
VerkkoThe TOEFL tests prepare students for university study, immigration and more. Select …
Test of English as a Foreign Language - Wikipedia › wiki › Test_of_English_as_a
TOEFL is one of several major English-language tests in the world, others including IELTS, Cambridge Assessment English and Trinity College London exams. TOEFL is a trademark of the Educational Testing Service (ETS), a private non-profit organization, which designs and administers the tests. ETS issues official score reports which are sent independently to institutions and are valid for two years following the test.