[SPARK-23439] Ambiguous reference when selecting column ...
issues.apache.org › jira › browseI've seen that when working with nested struct fields in a DataFrame and doing a select operation the nesting is lost and this can result in collisions between column names. For example: case class Foo (a: Int, b: Bar) case class Bar (a: Int) val items = List ( Foo (1, Bar (1)), Foo (2, Bar (2)) ) val df = spark.createDataFrame (items) val df_a_a = df.select ($ "a", $ "b.a" ).show //+---+---+ //| a| a| //+---+---+ //| 1| 1| //| 2| 2| //+---+---+ df.select ($ "a", $ "b.a" ).printSchema ...
scala - Reference is ambiguous with SparkSQL CSV - Stack Overflow
stackoverflow.com › questions › 41905709Jan 28, 2017 · Reference is ambiguous with SparkSQL CSV. I'm trying to read a bunch of CSV files in SparkSQL 2.10 with a custom schema that is partly Double, partly Strings like this: // Build the schema val schemaStringS = "col1 col2" val schemaStringD = "col3 col4 col5 col6" val schemaStringS2 = "col7 col8" val fieldsString = schemaStringS.split (" ") .map (fieldName => StructField (fieldName, StringType, nullable = true)) val fieldsString2 = schemaStringS2.split (" ") .map (fieldName => StructField ...
Handle Ambiguous column error during join in spark scala ...
www.projectpro.io › recipes › handle-ambiguousNov 28, 2022 · Here we are focusing on resolving this issue during join using spark-scala. Learn Spark SQL for Relational Big Data Procesing. Implementation Info: Databricks Community Edition click here; Spark - Scala; storage - Databricks File System(DBFS) Planned Module of learning flows as below: Create a test DataFrames; Performing Join operation between DataFrames; Querying the resultant DataFrame; Handling Ambiguous column issues during the join