C++ 遇到reference to ' *** ' is ambiguous...
blog.csdn.net › qq_39734584 › articleMay 19, 2019 · 解决问题: error: reference to ‘xx’ is ambiguous 解决思路: (1) 错误 代码: list = (int*)malloc (sizeof (int)*n); (2) 错误 原因: 翻译: 错误 :对“ xx”的引用不明确 这句话翻译出来后应该已经差不多把问题解决出来了,这里说对这个变量的引用不明确,就是说明了在代码程序中有出现了重复两个相同的变量。 但是在代码中并没有出现两个相同的变量,这就说明了在 c++ 中有内置的库函数的函数名与xx重名了。 比如我这里出现 错误 的list就与 关于 Reference to 'xxxxx' is ambiguous 错误 热门推荐 张洪基 1万+
reference to 'byte' is ambiguous #7035 - GitHub
github.com › msys2 › MINGW-packagesSep 25, 2020 · Delete the line using namespace std; Compile it again and observe that the issue is gone. Maybe there is something wrong with your code or building environment. Place using namespace after all the includes. Try not to use using namespace std;, at least not with STL. Instead use std:: like notation. In the command, try not to add include /mingw64 directories.
c++ - Reference to function is ambiguous - Stack Overflow
stackoverflow.com › questions › 15037705Feb 23, 2013 · This is a simplification, but when it comes to passing numbers to an overloaded function, C++ basically uses these rules: If all the arguments exactly match one of the overloads, then use that one. If all the arguments can be promoted to match one of the overloads, then use that one. If all the arguments can be numerically converted to match one of the overloads, then use that one.