150 Simple Past Examples | EnglishPost.org
englishpost.org › simple-Aug 06, 2022 · 1 Simple Past: Uses. 2 Simple Past and Expressions of Time. 3 Simple Past Examples: Affirmative Sentences. 4 Simple Past Examples: Negative Sentences. 5 Simple Past Examples: Questions. 6 Wh-Questions in the Simple Past. 7 Simple Past Conversation questions. 8 Simple Past: Irregular Verbs. 9 More about English Grammar.
Simple Past Tense–Grammar Rules | Grammarly
www.grammarly.com › blog › simple-pastDec 16, 2020 · How to formulate the simple past. For regular verbs, add -ed to the root form of the verb (or just -d if the root form already ends in an e): Play→Played. Type→Typed. Listen→Listened. Push→Pushed. Love→Loved. For irregular verbs, things get more complicated. The simple past tense of some irregular verbs looks exactly like the root form:
Simple Past Tense Examples - BYJUS
byjus.com › english › simple-past-tense-examplesThe main use of the simple past tense is to denote events that happened in the past. So, if any sentence depicts an action that has already happened at a specific time, then the verb is in the past tense. Lisa went to the supermarket yesterday. Sam cooked a tasty dinner yesterday. My brother saw a movie yesterday. Last year I travelled to France.
Simple Past Tense Examples - Javatpoint
www.javatpoint.com › simple-past-tense-examplesSome examples in direct and indirect speech. When direct speech is in the simple present tense, simple past tense is used in indirect speech. Examples: Direct speech: John said, "He is intelligent." Indirect speech: John said that he was intelligent. Direct speech: Geeta said, "she works hard." Indirect speech: Geeta said that she worked hard.