Introduction | Scala 3 — Book | Scala Documentation › scala3 › bookOver the course of this book, we hope to demonstrate that Scala is a beautiful, expressive programming language, with a clean, modern syntax, which supports functional programming (FP) and object-oriented programming (OOP), and that provides a safe static type system. Scala’s syntax, grammar, and features have been re-thought, debated in an open process, and updated in 2020 to be clearer and easier to understand than ever before.
Programming Scala, 3rd Edition [Book] - O’Reilly Online ... › library › viewProgramming Scala is ideal for beginning to advanced developers who want a complete understanding of Scala's design philosophy and features with a thoroughly practical focus. Program faster with Scala's succinct and flexible syntax; Dive into basic and advanced functional programming techniques; Build killer big data and distributed apps using Scala's functional combinators and tools like Spark and Akka
Learn Scala 3 for just $10 | › scala › learn-scala-3-the-fastJan 4, 2023 · A Scala 3 classroom in a book. As the book’s subtitle — Book 1: The Adventure Begins — implies, this is a book (a) for beginners, (b) for developers who are new to Scala 3, and (c) may be new to Scala in general. The Gumroad URL has a lot of information about the book, so I don’t want to repeat all that here, but one thing I want to be clear about is that if we were in a classroom together, this is the way I would present the information to you.