Programming Scala - GitHub Pages › books › programmingscalaIt is written for experienced developers new to Scala, as well experienced Scala developers migrating to Scala 3. The repo for the book's code examples is Apache-licensed open source. If you want the examples for the second edition, focused on Scala 2, see the v2.1.0 release tag , which closely follows the organization of the second edition of the book, but it has been updated for Scala 2.12 and 2.13.
Books | Scala Documentation › booksThis book is co-authored by the language’s designer, Martin Odersky. It provides depth and clarity on the diverse features of the language. The book provides both an authoritative reference for Scala and a systematic tutorial covering all the features in the language. Once you are familiar with the basics of Scala you will appreciate having this source of invaluable examples and precise explanations of Scala on hand.