What Does STFU Mean? | The Word Counter
thewordcounter.com › meaning-of-stfuSep 17, 2021 · According to Urban Dictionary, STFU stands for shut the f*ck up. This chat slang term is a very rude way of telling someone to be quiet. This term is often used in a joking way with someone one is close with to tell them to knock it off, or to stop talking about a certain topic. This is the most common definition and is a common response to someone saying something someone doesn’t like.
What Does 'STFU' Mean? | Acronyms by Dictionary.com
www.dictionary.com › e › acronymsMar 27, 2018 · The acronym STFU stands for shut the fuck up. It’s often used when people are angry or upset with someone, usually online. Examples of STFU STFU Parents: 4 Examples Of Unintelligible Parental Language Butchery On Facebook Headline, mommyish.com, September, 2012 STFU doesnt mean become a mute. It means dont say what you were going to say.
STFU - What does STFU stand for? The Free Dictionary
acronyms.thefreedictionary.com › stfuDefinition; STFU: Shut the Freak Up (polite form) STFU: Southern Tenant Farmers' Union: STFU: Super Time Force Ultra: STFU: Say, Thanks for Understanding: STFU: Special Task Force Unit (gaming) STFU: Short-Term Follow-Up (pharmaceutical study) STFU: Stop Tickling Furry Unicorns: STFU: Stop Trolling for Unicorns: STFU: Star Trek Federation University: STFU: Scrawny Two-Faced Underling