Restaurant Roihu - › helsinki › roihuPorkkalankatu 3, 00180 Helsinki. Map. 050-911 8982. Welcome to our tasteful living room! For us, local food means domestic raw materials. Our sourcing is responsible and, in principle, our raw materials are always Finnish. 100% Made in Finland.
Genesta | Roihu › asset › roihuA Dynamic Space in a Hub of Business, Culture, and Well-being. Roihu is situated at the heart of the office districtof Ruoholahti, a prominent and attractive location for business. Ruoholahti is home to many major corporations in the fields of industry, technology, and finance and insurance. The area has everything you need for smooth daily ...
Ruoholahti - Wikipedia › wiki › RuoholahtiRuoholahti-Jätkäsaari has its own choir, own football teams (operated by PPJ) and many local activities. Ruoholahti and Jätkäsaari area is an optimal area to live for people in all ages. Ruoholahti is also known as a business center, many succeed brands have an office in Ruoholahti - just to mention Supercell and Huawei.
Genesta | Roihu Dynamic Space in a Hub of Business, Culture, and Well-being. Roihu is situated at the heart of the office districtof Ruoholahti, a prominent and attractive location for business. Ruoholahti is …
Genesta | Welcome to Roihu Fiksuruoka! › news › welcome-to-roihu-fiksuruokaAug 07, 2022 · Roihu is located in Ruoholahti, overlooking the sea and Länsiväylä. Roihu is a spectacular home for companies that are looking for high-quality space tailored to their needs and wishes. For further details: Investment Manager Anna Pihlajaniemi, Genesta, p. 040 535 1795. CHRO Tiina Hahtovirta,, p. 040 727 9394.
Ravintola Roihu - › helsinki › roihuLounas 11.00-13.30. Porkkalankatu 3, 00180 Helsinki. Kartta. 050-911 8982. Tervetuloa hyvän maun olohuoneeseemme! Meille lähiruoka tarkoittaa kotimaisia raaka-aineita. Hankintamme on vastuullista ja raaka-aineemme lähtökohtaisesti aina suomalaisia. 100 % Made in Finland.
Kipinästä Roihuksi - Roihu
https://roihuksi.fiVerkostoidu, kehity, menesty – kipinästä roihuksi. Roihu on uusi kohtaamispaikka bisnesvaikuttajille, johtajille, yrittäjille sekä kaikille heille, jotka haluavat kehittyä menestyviksi …
Roihu Coaching
https://roihucoaching.fiRoihu Coaching tarjoaa kattavasti erilaista coachingia – coaching taipuu moneen. Tarjoamme business coachingia, yksilöcoachingia, tiimicoachingia sekä in-house coachingia. Jos sinulla …