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Rare meaning

meaning of rare in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English › rare
rare meaning, definition, what is rare: not seen or found very often, or not hap...: Learn more.
Best 18 Definitions of Rare - YourDictionary › rare
The definition of rare is something that exists in limited quantities, that is unusually good, or meat that is not cooked until it is well done.
Rare Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster › dictionary › rare
rare: [adjective] marked by wide separation of component particles : thin.
Rare Meaning - YouTube
15.4.2015 · Video shows what rare means. Cooked very lightly, so the meat is still red (in the case of steak or beef in the general sense).. rare pronunciation. How to ...
RARE | meaning, definition in Cambridge English Dictionary
rare definition: 1. not common or frequent; very unusual: 2. (of meat) not cooked for very long and still red: 3…. Learn more.
50 Rare and Uncommon English Words With Meanings
Here, I have selected 20 words on my list that may seem helpful to psychologists, counselors, and trainers. Most have a more specific meaning than the common word but are understood by …
Rare - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - › rare
adjective. marked by an uncommon quality; especially superlative or extreme of its kind · adjective. not widely known; especially valued for its uncommonness.
Rare Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary › dictionary
rare ; 1. : not common or usual : not often done, seen, or happening ; 2. : having only a few of its kind in existence ; 3. technical, of air : not having much ...
MEDIUM RARE | meaning, definition in Cambridge English …
medium rare definition: 1. (of meat) cooked so that it is still slightly red in the middle: 2. (of meat) cooked so that it…. Learn more.
Rare - definition of rare by The Free Dictionary › rare
Define rare. rare synonyms, rare pronunciation, rare translation, English dictionary definition of rare. adj. rar·er , rar·est 1. Infrequently occurring; uncommon: a rare event; a plant that is rare in this region.
RARE | meaning, definition in Cambridge English Dictionary › dictionary › english
rare adjective (NOT COMMON) B1 not common or frequent; very unusual: a rare disease / species The museum is full of rare and precious treasures. a rare occasion / opportunity / visit / treat, etc. [ + to infinitive ] It's very rare to find these birds in New England in winter. It's very rare to find someone who combines such qualities.
RARE | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
rare meaning: 1. not common or frequent; very unusual: 2. (of meat) not cooked for very long and still red: 3…. Learn more.
Rare - definition of rare by The Free Dictionary › r...
1. not widely known; not frequently used or experienced; uncommon or unusual: a rare word. 2. occurring seldom: a rare appearance. 3. not widely distributed; ...
126 Rare Words With Beautiful Meanings | YourTango
23.9.2021 · Here are 126 rare words with beautiful meanings: 1. Zephyr. Noun: a calm, gentle breeze. This word stems from the name Zephyrus, the Greek god of the west wind. 2. Eunoia. …
rare adjective - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage ... › ...
1not done, seen, happening, etc. · 2existing only in small numbers and therefore valuable or interesting a rare book/coin/stamp a rare breed/plant This species ...
Rare - definition of rare by The Free Dictionary
Define rare. rare synonyms, rare pronunciation, rare translation, English dictionary definition of rare. adj. rar·er , rar·est 1. Infrequently occurring; uncommon: a rare event; a plant that is rare in …
167 Synonyms & Antonyms of RARE - Merriam-Webster › thesaurus › rare
aberrated, abnormal, anomalous, atypical, especial, exceeding, exceptional, extraordinaire, extraordinary, freak, odd, peculiar, phenomenal, preternatural, singular, uncommon, uncustomary, unique, unusual, unwonted rare conspicuous striking bizarre outlandish weird incomprehensible, inconceivable, , unimaginable, unthinkable Near Antonyms for rare
Rare definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary › r...
1. coming or occurring far apart in time; unusual; uncommon · His visits are rare occasions ; 2. thinly distributed over an area; few and widely separated.
Rare Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
How to use rare in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Rare. seldom occurring or found : uncommon; marked by unusual quality, merit, or appeal : distinctive; superlative or extreme of its …
167 Synonyms & Antonyms of RARE - Merriam-Webster
Synonyms for RARE: aberrant, aberrated, abnormal, anomalous, atypical, especial, exceeding, exceptional; Antonyms for RARE: common, customary, normal, ordinary, ... The meanings of …
RARE | meaning, definition in Cambridge English Dictionary › rare
rare definition: 1. not common or frequent; very unusual: 2. (of meat) not cooked for very long and still red: 3…. Learn more.
Rare Definition & Meaning | › browse
Rare definition, coming or occurring far apart in time; unusual; uncommon: a rare disease;His visits are rare occasions. See more.
50+ Beautiful Names That Mean Different, Unique Or Rare
29.9.2022 · Aarnik (Indian origin), meaning “one of a kind”. It is a popular boy name among Hindu people. 3. Abhilesh (Indian origin), meaning “immortal or unique”. One of the most beautiful …