Definition: “The part of the back (or backbone) between the shoulder blades and the loins which an animal cannot reach to scratch” ( Oxford English Dictionary) This lovely word is not often found; …
Neither heard nor spoken on a regular basis, these are 25 fascinating rare words that are a delightful addition to your vocabulary and also appealing to the senses and the English …
Rare English Words with Meanings. Following is a list of some of the most uncommon words we hear along with their meanings. Words. Meaning. effete. over-refined. His manner was effete, from his cocked cap to the way he lifted his teacup. fatuous. silly yet smug.
These 17 English Words Sound So Good, You'll Want To Give Them A Special Place In Your Vocabulary. More information. These 17 English Words Sound So ...
A person who never laughs. Osculator One who loves or one who is loved. Callipygian Having large, round, succulent buttocks. Limerance The state of being infatuated with someone. Oxter Armpit. …
1. Accismus (noun) Accismus is a useful term for pretending to be disinterested in something when you actually want it. Pull this word out when you see someone acting like he doesn’t want the last …
Sep 23, 2021 · Here are 126 rare words with beautiful meanings: 1. Zephyr. Noun: a calm, gentle breeze. This word stems from the name Zephyrus, the Greek god of the west wind. 2. Eunoia. 3. Fika. 4. Philocalist. 5. Redamancy.
Here, I have selected 20 words on my list that may seem helpful to psychologists, counselors, and trainers. Most have a more specific meaning than the common word but are understood by …
15.7.2020 · 5. Jentacular. No, it doesn´t have anything to do with tentacles. It is one of the most peculiar rare words in english that I have ever heard. The word means “related to breakfast”. …
Random Rare Word Generator Simply generates a random rare word at each click :) bombilate (To loudly hum or buzz continuously) unique? The useful generators list is a handy list of simple text …
23.9.2021 · Here are 126 rare words with beautiful meanings: 1. Zephyr. Noun: a calm, gentle breeze. This word stems from the name Zephyrus, the Greek god of the west wind. 2. Eunoia. …
19.8.2021 · Well, it does and its known as Acnestis, which is one of the rarest and most obscure words in the English language. Specifially, Acnestis is the space between the shoulder blades …
4.6.2022 · It’s estimated that there are 171,146 words in use in the English language, plus around 47,156 obsolete words. That’s a lot of words! No wonder you don’t know all of them, especially if …