The Premier League’s Handball Rule – Lex Sportiva › 2020/10/07 › the-premier-leaguesOct 07, 2020 · The Premier League’s Handball Rule. The 2020/2021 Premier League season is just four games in, and already players, managers, fans, and pundits have been left bemused by the change in wording and interpretation of the handball law, effected this season by The International Football Association Board (IFAB). This change in interpretation of one of the laws of the game has already resulted in six penalties being awarded for the offence of accidental handball.
What's new in 2020/21: Handball Laws - Premier League › news › 1820123Oct 05, 2022 · From the 2020/21 season in the Premier League, there will be a new interpretation of the law on handball made by the International Football Association Board (IFAB) . The boundary between the shoulder and the arm is now defined by "the bottom of the armpit". To penalise a player for handball the match officials must have clear evidence that the ball has struck the player's arm below the bottom of the armpit and in the red zone indicated below.