Porvoo - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › PorvooPorvoo was one of the six medieval towns of Finland, along with Turku, Ulvila, Rauma, Naantali and Vyborg. It is first mentioned as a city in texts from the 14th century. Porvoo is the seat of the Swedish-speaking Diocese of Borgå of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. Porvoo was briefly the capital of the former Eastern Uusimaa region. [8]
Immigrant info Porvoo - Porvoo
www.porvoo.fi › en › immigrant-info-porvooGuidance Center for youth “Ohjaamo”: Mannerheiminkatu 20 E, 06100 Porvoo. Local government pilot on employment “Kuntakokeilu”: Linnankoskenkatu 32 (3rd floor), 06100 Porvoo. Partnership House “Kulma”: Sibeliuksenkatu 3, 07900 Loviisa. Email: moi.info@porvoo.fi. Facebook: Immigrant info Porvoo.
Porvoo Tourism - Porvoo Travel & Attractions Guide ...
www.discoveringfinland.com › porvooTourism Porvoo & Porvoo Guide. Most visitors to Finland consider the country’s second oldest town to be the most beautiful. Just an hours drive, or a few hours by a relaxing cruise through the archipelago, from Helsinki, Porvoo’s unique charms number its delightful waterfront of red ochre sheds, the medieval cobblestoned streets and alleys, and the charm of Old Porvoo where you’ll find ...
Korona - Porvoo
https://www.porvoo.fi/koronaPorvoon koronatilanne vakaa, paikoin paljon tartuntoja. Kaupunki tiedottaa – 29.07.2022. Neljäs koronarokote myös 60 vuotta täyttäneille. Kaupunki tiedottaa – 28.07.2022. Neljäs …
Tapahtumat - Menoinfo.fi
www.menoinfo.fiMenoinfo.fi vinkkaa sinulle isommat ja pienemmät tapahtumat, oman kiinnostuksesi mukaan. Tällä hetkellä hakupalvelu kattaa Etelä-Karjalan, Pohjois-Karjalan, Kymenlaakson, Etelä-Savon, Pohjois-Savon, Keski-Suomen, Pirkanmaan, Kanta-Hämeen, Päijät-Hämeen sekä Uudenmaan. Valitse alue.
Old Porvoo - Visit Porvoo
www.visitporvoo.fi › en › sightsOld Porvoo is also surrounded by a beautiful National Urban Park that stretches over the whole river valley. Porvoo is easy to reach from Helsinki by bus or by boat in the summer. Old Porvoo is very dear to us and one of our most important goals is to promote sustainable tourism. Please enjoy and respect Old Porvoo!