peseta | Spanish currency | Britannica › topic › pesetapeseta, former monetary unit of Spain. The peseta ceased to be legal tender in 2002, when the euro , the monetary unit of the European Union , was adopted as the country’s sole monetary unit. In 1868 the peseta replaced the peso , which had been adopted in the 15th century and which was known in full as the peso de ocho (“piece of eight”), as Spain’s currency .
peSeta online shop and flagship at Huertas 37, Madrid › en › usH I S T O R Y. peSeta® was created by Laura del Pozo (fabric lover an entrepreneur) a long time ago with the intention of mixing art, life and business in one single thing. The first years it was about very limited series of accesories until we began to design and produce larger series, collections… and collaborations.
Peseta - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre › wiki › PesetaLa peseta fue la moneda de curso legal en España y sus territorios de ultramar desde su aprobación el 19 de octubre de 1868 hasta el 1 de enero de 2002, cuando se adoptó el euro como la moneda de curso legal, aunque fue retirada definitivamente de la circulación en marzo de 2002 tras un período transitorio. Tras la primera acuñación de pesetas siguieron circulando los reales de vellón existentes, que equivalían a 25 ctm de peseta; aun cuando desaparecieron los reales de vellón, se ...
Spanish peseta - Wikipedia › wiki › Spanish_pesetaThe peseta was equal to 4.5 grams of silver, or 0.290322 grams of gold, the standard used by all the currencies of the Latin Monetary Union. From 1873, only the gold standard applied. In 1883 the peseta went off the gold standard and traded below parity with the gold French franc. However, as the free minting of silver was suspended to the general public, the peseta had a floating exchange rate between the value of the gold franc and the silver franc.