Spanish peseta - Wikipedia › wiki › Spanish_pesetaThe peseta linked its value with the euro coin on 1 January 1999, and hit rock bottom that year when Pts 200 were required to buy US$1. At the time Euro became a material coin, Pts 185.29 were needed to buy US$1, that is, 1.1743 euros. The peseta was replaced by the euro in 2002, following the establishment of the euro in 1999. The exchange ...
Euron muuntokurssit - Suomen Pankki › Tilastot › taulukot › e...Euron muuntokurssit ; Belgian frangi, BEF, 40,3399 ; Espanjan peseta, ESP, 166,386 ; Irlannin punta, IEP, 0,787564 ; Italian liira, ITL, 1936,27 ; Itävallan šillinki