For further details on export documentation requirements please visit the HMRC website. Antique Declaration (PDF, 29KB) Blank commercial invoice (PDF, 34KB) Certification for shipments to …
Yes. No. If you have not received an order confirmation email, please provide the following information which can be found on your credit/debit card statement. Card type. Date charged (as …
Retail Help Form. Please note – If you are a Business Account customer, please use our Account Support Help Form here. If you are a personal customer and posted your parcel either from a …
Lost something I tried to return to a shop. Got compensation for item, and my £1.60 postage back. Was doubtful about this as I wrote on the claim form "If I wanted to lose it I would have just ...
You can obtain a paper claims form from any Parcelforce Worldwide Depot or your local Post Office. Alternatively, you can request a form be sent out to you ...
Please post or fax your Parcelforce Worldwide Claim Form, with a copy of your Post Office ® receipt, despatch pack or WDM online/web receipt and cost invoices ...
Parcelforce Lost Parcel Claim Form : Useful Links ... Claiming for lost or damaged items. How you claim depends on the service used, how and where the postage was ...
Stage 1: Contacting our Customer Services Advisors. The Customer Services Advisor assigned to your case will investigate and resolve your complaint, and provide you with a satisfactory response. If you are not happy with their reply, you can request to escalate your case to our Escalated Customer Resolution Team who will undertake a re ...
We're using cookies. Cookies help us improve your Parcelforce Worldwide online experience. If you accept their use, continue using our site. Or, find out more about cookies Close the cookie policy …
Am currently making my 1st claim against Parcel Force. ... I stuck to my guns and returned each letter / form to the named person at the bottom of the ...
Refunds for late delivery. Even with the most advanced systems the unexpected can happen and for that reason we provide extra ways to secure your peace of mind. With the exception of our non …
Stage 1: Contacting our Customer Services Advisors. The Customer Services Advisor assigned to your case will investigate and resolve your complaint, and provide you with a satisfactory …
There are a number of ways you can contact us if you have an enquiry or would like to give us some feedback about our services . Our customer service advisors are available 8.00am - 7.00pm …
Account Support Help Form. Please note – this contact form is for our Business Account customers only. If you are a personal customer and posted your parcel either from a Post Office, Parcelforce …
Submit your claim via Post. You can obtain a paper claims form from any Parcelforce Worldwide Depot or your local Post Office. Alternatively, you can request a form be sent out to you by …
You can obtain a paper claims form from any Parcelforce Worldwide Depot or your local Post Office. Alternatively, you can request a form be sent out to you by getting in touch with us. Once completed, you can post the form to as at the address below: Parcelforce Worldwide Claims Centre PO Box 491 Wakefield WF1 9AP Claims for HM Forces Deliveries