Book a Collection - Parcelforce › DFEAlternatively, you can call the Parcelforce Worldwide examinations helpdesk on 0344 561 7998. Please note, collections need to be booked at least 24 hours in advance. You will need to enter your NCN school reference number and your school postcode (format MK7 8LE) into the appropriate fields below to validate your collection address.
Book a Collection - Parcelforce
Cookies help us improve your Parcelforce Worldwide online experience. If you accept their use, continue using our site. ... BT here Thanks for arranging to send this equipment back to us with Parcelforce Worldwide. Your collection is free …
Track your parcel | Parcelforce Worldwide
Our parcel tracking numbers vary in length and may contain letters and numbers. They can be 9, 11, 13, 14, 16 or 21 characters. If you have bought something online, then the retailer should have provided you with a reference number. If …
tracking.parcelforce.netCookies help us improve your Parcelforce Worldwide tracking online experience. If you accept their use, continue using our site. Or, find out more about cookies
Book a Collection - Parcelforce › btYour collection is free of charge and really helps us become a greener company. If you have more than one item to return, please put them all in a single parcel to give to the driver on your chosen collection day. Please note: If you choose to print your label, please ensure that any pop-up blockers are turned off before you continue.