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Pakistan: matkustustiedote - Ulkoministeriö › matkustustiedote
Vuodesta 2014 lähtien Pakistan on johdonmukaisesti lisännyt ja tehostanut terrorismin vastaisia toimiaan, minkä seurauksena turvallisuustilanne ...
Pakistan - The World Factbook › the-world-factbook › countries
Aug 1, 2023 · National holiday. Pakistan Day (also referred to as Pakistan Resolution Day or Republic Day), 23 March (1940); note - commemorates both the adoption of the Lahore Resolution by the All-India Muslim League during its 22-24 March 1940 session, which called for the creation of independent Muslim states, and the adoption of the first constitution of Pakistan on 23 March 1956 during the transition ...
Pakistan – Wikipedia
Pakistanin islamilainen tasavalta (urduksi ‏ اسلامی جمہوریۂ پاکستان‎, Islāmī Jumhūriya Pākistān, engl. Islamic Republic of Pakistan) eli Pakistan (urduksi ‏پاکستان‎, engl. Pakistan) on valtio Etelä-Aasiassa. Sen naapurivaltioita ovat idässä Intia, lounaassa Iran, lännessä Afganistan ja koillisessa Kiina. Maan … Näytä lisää
Pakistan | Today's latest from Al Jazeera › where › pakistan
Aug 10, 2023 · Stay on top of Pakistan latest developments on the ground with Al Jazeera’s fact-based news, exclusive video footage, photos and updated maps.
Pakistan - The World Factbook…
In response to Indian nuclear weapons testing, Pakistan conducted its own tests in mid-1998. Major bilateral disputes, including the status of Kashmir, remain unresolved, but in early 2021 the two …
Ministry of Foreign Affairs – MOFA
Consular Affairs. Serving the Overseas Pakistani community to better enable living and working abroad for the people of our nation.
Pakistan | History, Population, Religion, & Prime Minister
Pakistan, populous multiethnic country of South Asia. With a predominately Indo-Iranian speaking population, Pakistan has historically and culturally been associated with its neighbors Iran, …
Pakistan - Wikipedia
Pakistan , officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (ISO: اِسْلامی جَمْہُورِیَہ پَاکِسْتَان, islāmi jamhūriyāh pākistān), is a country in South Asia. It is the world's fifth-most populous country, with a population of over 249.5 million people, and has the world's largest Muslim population as of year 2023. Islamabad is the nation's capital, while Karachi is its largest city and financial centre, followed by Lahore a…
Balochistan: Pakistani militant group attacks convoy of ... - CNN › 2023/08/13 › asia
1 day ago · An attack on Chinese engineers in Pakistan’s southwestern province of Balochistan was thwarted by Pakistan’s military, leaving two militants dead and the Chinese workers unharmed, police say.
Pakistan - Wikipedia › wiki › Pakistan
It is the world's fifth-most populous country, with a population of over 249.5 million people, and has the world's largest Muslim population as of year 2023.
Pakistan | History, Population, Religion, & Prime Minister › place › Pakistan
Aug 11, 2023 · Pakistan, populous multiethnic country of South Asia. Having a predominately Indo-Iranian speaking population, Pakistan has historically and culturally been associated with its neighbours Iran, Afghanistan, and India. Since Pakistan and India achieved independence from British rule on August 14-15, 1947, celebrated as Independence Day, Pakistan ...
The Official Web Gateway to Pakistan
LOGIN to e-Office | SIGN IN to my Mailbox. bootstrap carousel · President of Pakistan · Prime Minister of Pakistan · National Assembly of Pakistan.
Pakistan - Wikipedia › wiki › Pakistan
Islamic Republic of Pakistan) eli Pakistan (urduksi ‏پاکستان‎, engl. Pakistan) on valtio Etelä-Aasiassa. Sen naapurivaltioita ovat idässä Intia, lounaassa Iran, ...
Taliban Fighters, Unsettled by Peace, Seek New Battles Abroad › 2023/08/14 › world
22 hours ago · Aug. 14, 2023, 5:01 a.m. ET. As a child studying in a madrasa in Afghanistan, Mohammad Khalid Tahir dreamed of waging jihad. By the time he was a teenager, he had joined the Taliban and celebrated ...
Welcome to Pakistan
From the mighty stretches of the Karakorams in the North to the vast alluvial delta of the Indus River in the South, Pakistan remains a land of high ...
Pakistan | History, Population, Religion, & Prime Minister › place
Pakistan, populous multiethnic country of South Asia. Having a predominately Indo-Iranian speaking population, Pakistan has historically and culturally been ...
Pakistan | Today's latest from Al Jazeera › where
Stay on top of Pakistan latest developments on the ground with Al Jazeera's fact-based news, exclusive video footage, photos and updated maps.
Pakistan : Development news, research, data | World Bank › country
Get the latest World Bank data, research and development indicators for Pakistan. Access economy facts, statistics, project information, ...
Federal Directorate of Immunization, Pakistan – Federal ...
Mr. Iftikhar Ali Shallwani, Federal Secretary, MoNHSR&C graced the dissemination event of "WUENIC, Pakistan data 2022" with his presence at FDI.