Pakistanis - Wikipedia › wiki › PakistanisPakistanis ( Urdu: پاكِستانى قوم, romanized : Pākistānī Qaum, lit. 'Pakistani Nation') are the citizens and nationals of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. According to the 2017 Pakistani census, the population of Pakistan stood at over 213 million people, making it the world's fifth-most populous country. [25]
Pakistan – Wikipedia islamilainen tasavalta (urduksi اسلامی جمہوریۂ پاکستان, Islāmī Jumhūriya Pākistān, engl. Islamic Republic of Pakistan) eli Pakistan (urduksi پاکستان, engl. Pakistan) on valtio Etelä-Aasiassa. Sen naapurivaltioita ovat idässä Intia, lounaassa Iran, lännessä Afganistan ja koillisessa Kiina. Maan pääkaupunki … Näytä lisää
Pakistan - Wikipedia › wiki › PakistanPakistan is the world's fifth most populous country. [450] Between 1951 and 2017, Pakistan's population expanded over sixfold, going from 33.7 million to 207.7 million. The country has a relatively high, although declining, growth rate supported by high birth rates and low death rates.
Pakistan - Wikipedia , officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (ISO: اِسْلامی جَمْہُورِیَہ پَاکِسْتَان, islāmi jamhūriyāh pākistān), is a country in South Asia. It is the world's fifth-most populous country, with a population of over 249.5 million people, and has the world's largest Muslim population as of year 2023. Islamabad is the nation's capital, while Karachi is its largest city and financial centre, followed by Lahore a…
History of Pakistan - Wikipedia › wiki › History_of_PakistanHistory of Pakistan. The history of Pakistan preceding the country's independence in 1947 [1] is shared with that of Afghanistan, India, and Iran. Spanning the western expanse of the Indian subcontinent and the eastern borderlands of the Iranian plateau, the region of present-day Pakistan served both as the fertile ground of a major ...