Helsinki 2020 - One Hel of an Impact › 2020 › enThe “One Hel of an impact” attitude is our desire to work together to make a better city and a better world. To get there, both Helsinkians and the City organisation need to be brave and visionary. Our city breeds a culture of openness, respect and collaboration. It means that we can all participate in change.
Helsinki 2020 - One Hel of an Impact in 2020: the city of people, encounters and actions that make an impact. This website summarises a year-long city branding project by the City of Helsinki. We welcome all Helsinkians, visitors, businesses, and our friends and partners from around the world, to learn more about our “One Hel of an Impact” attitude, to join […]
Helsinki: One Hel Of An Impact Brand New Helsinki 2020 campaign started in June 2015 and is designed to narrow down the city’s next steps towards the branding efforts and create a favorable global image by 2020. The City of Helsinki in partnership with Kudes—a leading branding agency— studied and analyzed 79 research reports, 40 experience maps, 30 expert interviews and 16 city analyses to crystallize …
Visual Identity Guidelines - Helsingin kaupunki - Visuaalisen ... › enOur attitude ”One Hel of an impact” challenges you to think big, and encourages you to carry out exceptional deeds. This gives you the opportunity to make Helsinki to stand out from other cities. Helsinki is a place where you can make a difference for the good of the whole world, with people who are passionate about making a difference.
Helsinki 2020 - One Hel of an Impact Hel of an Impact. Tulevaisuudessa Helsinki tunnetaan vaikuttavista ihmisistä, vaikuttavista teoista ja vaikuttavista kohtaamisista. Tulevaisuuden positio ”One Hel of an impact” ei ole slogan, vaan asenne, joka haastaa ajattelemaan isosti. Jatkuvan pienen parantamisen sijaan se kannustaa tekemään poikkeuksellisia tekoja, joilla on iso vaikutus, ja joista kerrotaan …
Helsinki 2020 - One Hel of an Impact › 2020Impact. One Hel of an Impact. Helsinki on vuonna 2020 vaikuttavien ihmisten, tekojen ja kohtaamisten kaupunki. Tällä sivustolla esittelemme sinulle lähes vuoden kestäneen brändityön tulokset. Tervetuloa mukaan! Uusi ja saavutettava brändisivusto on parhaillaan valmistelussa ja se avautuu vuonna 2022. Käy peremmälle. ↓. Jatka.