Log in | Nordea
https://www.nordea.com/en/log-inMain menu About us Corporate governance Corporate governance structure Corporate governance framework Nordea's legal structure Main menu About us Corporate governance Nordea's legal structure Nordea's re-domiciliation of the parent company (2017-2018) Nordea's simplification of its legal structure (2016-2017) Deposit guarantee scheme Investor …
Nordea Business Mastercard - Kortit
www.nordea.fi › nordea-business-mastercardNordea Business Mastercard asiakaspalvelu 24/7. Puh. 0200 52300 (pvm/mpm*) Kaikki Nordea Business Mastercard korttiisi liittyvät asiat suomeksi, ruotsiksi ja englanniksi ark. klo 8-17. Muina aikoina palvelemme sinua korttiongelmissa ruotsiksi ja englanniksi. *) pvm=paikallisverkkomaksu, mpm=matkapuhelinmaksu.
Corporate Cards | Nordea
https://www.nordea.com/en/our-services/corporate-cardsWe offer your business travellers a supplementary Visa card, and First Card is the first credit card company in the world to offer customers the chance to have their Mastercard and Visa card transactions on the same invoice. System integration These services are offered upon request – please contact us for assistance.
Nordean verkkopankki
solo1.nordea.fi/nsp/login1.5.2022 · Kirjauduthan jatkossa uuteen verkkopankkiin. Se onnistuu Nordea ID -sovelluksella tai tunnuslukulaitteella. Vanhaan verkkopankkiin voi kirjautua 18.5. lähtien vain tunnuslukukortilla tai salasanalla, kunnes vanha verkkopankki poistuu kokonaan käytöstä. Ota uusi verkkopankki omaksesi ja ihastu! Kirjaudu uuteen verkkopankkiin. Ota NordeaID ...
Nordea Business Mastercard - Cards
www.nordea.fi › nordea-business-mastercardNordea Business Mastercard is accepted as a means of payment in over 200 countries and at 36 million sales offices An interest-free payment period of about 30 days allows you to balance your company's liquidity. Using the card for all or most purchases leads to more efficient cash management and bookkeeping of costs.
Corporate Cards | Nordea
www.nordea.com › en › our-servicesWe offer your business travellers a supplementary Visa card, and First Card is the first credit card company in the world to offer customers the chance to have their Mastercard and Visa card transactions on the same invoice. System integration These services are offered upon request – please contact us for assistance.