coalition - Wiktionary › wiki › coalitionOct 22, 2022 · coalition ( countable and uncountable, plural coalitions ) A temporary group or union of organizations, usually formed for a particular advantage. quotations . The Liberal Democrats and Conservative parties formed a coalition government in 2010. 2013 May 23, Sarah Lyall, " British Leader’s Liberal Turn Sets Off a Rebellion in His Party ," New ...
Koalitio | Extremus Dolor
koalitio.fiKoalitio is a group of friends and an airsoft team, with it roots deeply in the soil of Oulu, Northern Finland. Koalitio was founded in the spring 2008, when the teams Karhukopla, Koija, Klaani, CLS and Keitto merged together and formed a new team with nearly 20 members. Since then more excellent fighters have intergrated into the team. koalitio
Haku sanakirjasta: koalitio - Ratkojat › ryhmittele › koalitiokoalitio. allianssi, eu, hallitus, hallituskin, jäsenistö, liitto, liittouma, liittoutuma, nato, ruhmittymä, ryhmittymä, vähän vaille, yhteenliittymä ...
Haku sanakirjasta: allianssi - Ratkojat › ryhmittele › allianssi'lintupoika', koalitio, liitto, liittouma, liittoutuma, liittymä, puhaltaa yhteen hiileen, ryhmittymä, solmittu, valaliitto, valtioiden liitto, valtioliitto ...
Koalitio | Extremus Dolor
koalitio.fiKoalitio. Koalitio is a group of friends and an airsoft team, with it roots deeply in the soil of Oulu, Northern Finland. Koalitio was founded in the spring 2008, when the teams Karhukopla, Koija, …