Transit Date Zodiac Sign; April 13, 2022: Pisces: April 22, 2023: Aries: May 1, 2024: Taurus: May 14, 2025: Gemini: October 18, 2025: Cancer: December 5, 2025: Gemini: June 2, 2026: Cancer: October 31, 2026: Leo: January 25, 2027: Cancer
Jan 18, 2010 · This section is for many of us, who need a detailed transit chart of Jupiter in the signs. The table below is easy to interpret, because it provides the exact dates and times when Jupiter entered a zodiac sign and remained there till Jupiter enters the next sign, with times in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) - that is same as GMT (Greenwich ...
VerkkoTransit Chart Calculator, Astrology Transits online Free interpretation. Transits of the Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and other planets online calculator Seek and meet people born on the same …
Jupiter Transit 2023: The planet Jupiter, that is known as the Guru of all the Gods and whose aspect is considered the most auspicious in the Vedic astrology, will transit in Aries on 22 April 2023 …
Jupiter transit 2023. Jupiter transit 2023 or Guru Peyarchi 2023 will happen on 22nd April 2023 and will last till 1st May 2024. Jupiter is going to transit in …
This page provides Jupiter Transit date and timings in the year 2023 for Leander, Texas, United States. Jupiter Transit is also known as Guru Gochar, ...
May 5, 2022 · The transits of Jupiter are one of the most significant. If you check on Youtube, you will see hundreds of videos from different astrologers about the moving of this big planet. That’s why I decided to provide you with a transit calendar of Jupiter according to Vedic Astrology !
Get to know your Jupiter sign, or which sign Jupiter traversed on any date. What is my Jupiter sign? That is, which zodiac sign was Jupiter in, when I was born - or for that matter, any date or event? This section is for many of us, …
Right now, Jupiter is in Taurus Zodiac, where it will stay for 1 year 9 days. The next Jupiter transit is on May 25, 2024 when Jupiter will move to Gemini.
May 30, 2023 · September 4, 2023. Jupiter retrogrades in Aries. September 16, 2023. Mercury turns direct in Leo. September 17, 2023. Sun enters Virgo. October 1, 2023. Mercury enters Virgo. October 2, 2023.
These are interpretations for Jupiter transits through the natal houses. Transit Jupiter in 1st House When Jupiter transits through your first house, Astrology Library
VerkkoJupiter is one of the planets that will transit across the Sun this year. The transit of Jupiter will occur on April 13, 2022. This event will be visible from most parts of the world, so …
VerkkoVenus turns direct in Cancer. September 4, 2023. Jupiter retrogrades in Aries. September 16, 2023. Mercury turns direct in Leo. September 17, 2023. Sun enters …