https://www.haades.fiHaades Oy on perustettu vuonna 2002. Yhtiö sijoittaa pääasiassa uutta teknologiaa kehittäviin ja erityisosaamiseen panostaviin yrityksiin.
Hades on Steam
store.steampowered.com › app › 1145360Hades is a god-like rogue-like dungeon crawler that combines the best aspects of Supergiant's critically acclaimed titles, including the fast-paced action of Bastion, the rich atmosphere and depth of Transistor, and the character-driven storytelling of Pyre.
www.supergiantgames.com › games › hadesHades is a one-of-a-kind rogue-lite that does a brilliant job of marrying its fast-paced action with its persistent, progressing story through a vividly reimagined Greek mythological underworld. IGN.com - 9 / 10 Hades is one of the best roguelites of all-time. TheSixthAxis - 10 / 10
Hades - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HadesVerkkoHades ruled the underworld and was therefore most often associated with death and feared by men, but he was not Death itself — it is Thanatos, son of Nyx and Erebus, who is the actual personification of death, although …
Haades – Wikipedia
https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/HaadesHaades eli Hades (m.kreik. Ἅιδης tai Ἄιδης ’näkymätön’) tarkoittaa kreikkalaisessa ja roomalaisessa jumaltarustossa esiintyvää vainajalaa eli tuonpuoleista. Kreikkalaisessa mytologiassa Haades on myös paikkaa hallitsevan jumalan nimi, ja roomalaisessa mytologiassa hänen vastineensa … Näytä lisää
Hades - World History Encyclopedia
www.worldhistory.org › HadesJul 19, 2012 · Hades was both the name of the ancient Greek god of the underworld ( Roman name: Pluto) and the name of the shadowy place below the earth which was considered the final destination for the souls of the dead. Perhaps the most feared of the gods, he is described by both Homer and Hesiod as 'pitiless', 'loathsome', and 'monstrous' Hades.
Hades - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › HadesHades ruled the underworld and was therefore most often associated with death and feared by men, but he was not Death itself — it is Thanatos, son of Nyx and Erebus, who is the actual personification of death, although Euripides' play "Alkestis" states fairly clearly that Thanatos and Hades were one and the same deity, and gives an interesting description of Hades as being dark-cloaked and winged; moreover, Hades was also referred to as Hesperos Theos ("god of death & darkness").
Hades | Characteristics, Family, & Mythology | Britannica
www.britannica.com › topic › Hades-Greek-mythologyJan 5, 2023 · Hades, Greek Aïdes (“the Unseen”), also called Pluto or Pluton (“the Wealthy One” or “the Giver of Wealth”), in ancient Greek religion, god of the underworld. Hades was a son of the Titans Cronus and Rhea, and brother of the deities Zeus, Poseidon, Demeter, Hera, and Hestia. underworld of Greek mythology