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Zeus - Wikipedia
https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZeusZeus, che viene spesso poeticamente chiamato con il vocativo Zeu pater (O padre Zeus!), è l'evoluzione di Di̯ēus, il dio del cielo diurno della religione protoindoeuropea chiamato anche Dyeus ph 2 tēr (Padre Cielo).Il nome del dio deriva dalla radice Diovis (la di in greco) che significa luce, per questo Zeus è il dio della luce. Il dio era conosciuto con questo nome anche in …
Zeus — Wikipédia
https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZeusZeus est, selon Hésiode, le dernier-né des six enfants du Titan Cronos et de sa sœur Rhéa [4].Cette descendance est considérée comme la branche olympienne par opposition à celle des Titans. Cronos, craignant la prédiction de ses parents, Ouranos et Gaïa, qu’il engendrerait un rival qui régnerait à sa place, a avalé ses cinq premiers enfants dès leur naissance.
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Zeus - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZeusZeus is the sky and thunder god in ancient Greek religion, who rules as king of the gods of Mount Olympus. His name is cognate with the first element of his Roman equivalent Jupiter. His mythology and powers are similar, though not identical, to those of Indo-European deities such as Jupiter, Perkūnas, Perun, Indra, and Dyaus.
Zeus - World History Encyclopedia
www.worldhistory.org › zeusMay 25, 2013 · Zeus was the king of the Olympian gods and the supreme deity in Greek religion.Often referred to as the Father, as the god of thunder and the 'cloud-gatherer', he controlled the weather, offered signs and omens and generally dispensed justice, guaranteeing order amongst both the gods and humanity from his seat high on Mt. Olympus.
Zeus - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › ZeusZeus Kasios ("Zeus of Mount Kasios" the modern Jebel Aqra) or Latinized Casius: a surname of Zeus, the name may have derived from either sources, one derived from Casion, near Pelusium in Egypt. Another derived from Mount Kasios (Casius), which is the modern Jebel Aqra , is worshipped at a site on the Syrian–Turkish border, a Hellenization of ...