GUCCI BAG SERIAL NUMBERS: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW › blogs › newsFeb 27, 2020 · 1. It is more accurate to label this number as a "style number" and "supplier number"; 2. The first line of digits is a "style number" that should also appear on the bag's price tag (when purchased new) and is usually 6 digits long (but, occasionally, 5 or 7 digit style numbers are used); 3. The second line of digits is a "supplier number".
Gucci Tag - Product Authentication Check | GUCCI®
Through the Tag, you will learn more about your item and how it was created following traditional Italian artisanal methods—discover the best care techniques and get personalized after-sale assistance from our Client Advisors. STEP 1 Place your phone near your Gucci item. Place your phone near your Gucci item. STEP 2
Gucci batch code decoder, check cosmetics production date › gucciGucci batch code decoder, check cosmetics production date How do I find the Gucci cosmetics or perfumes batch code? Cosmetics produced or distributed by Coty Inc.: 0275 - This is the correct code. Find the code on the package that looks like this. 75002 TN25 4AQ 36M 3614226905185 - This is not a batch code. Don't enter values that look like this.
How To Read a Gucci Serial Number? | LVBagaholic › blogs › lv_bagaholicApr 27, 2020 · A Gucci serial number is a sequence of 10 to 13 figures, usually in two rows. The first row usually indicates the style code/number and the second line shows the supplier code. In a Gucci bag a serial number serves as a way of protection and insurance for costumers to make sure they have their original stylish and good looking bags.