Seterra - Maantietopelit - GeoGuessr › seterra › fiSeterra. - Maantietopelit. Seterra on haastava, maantietoon pohjautuva peli. Opi Afrikan, Euroopan, Etelä-Amerikan, Pohjois-Amerikan, Aasian ja Australian maista, pääkaupungeista, meristä, lipuista ja kaupungeista ääriviivapiirrettyjen karttaharjoitusten avulla! Seterra perustettiin vuonna 1997, jonka jälkeen se on käännetty 40 eri ...
GeoGuessr - Let's explore the world!
www.geoguessr.comNov 27, 2021 · GeoGuessr is a geography game, in which you are dropped somewhere in the world in a street view panorama and your mission is to find clues and guess your location on the world map. I have trouble accessing my account.
GeoGuessr - Wikipedia › wiki › GeoGuessrGeoGuessr is a browser-based geography game in which players guess locations from Google Street View imagery. The game features multiple game modes, including singleplayer and multiplayer competitions. Launched in 2013 by Anton Wallén, the game maintained a relatively small yet active player base until 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic and ...
GeoGuessr – Wikipedia on internetissä toimiva online-peli, jossa pelaajat pystyvät liikkumaan kartalla tarkoituksenaan selvittää tai arvata kyseisen paikan sijainti. Pelaaja saa pisteitä sen mukaan, kuinka lähelle tämä osuu paikan selvittämisessä. Peli julkaistiin vuonna 2013. Google Street View mahdollistaa … See more
GeoGuessr - Apps on Google Play › store › appsApr 6, 2023 · The official GeoGuessr Android app is finally here! Join million of players in the ever so beloved geography game! Embark on an epic journey that takes you from the most desolate roads in Australia to the busy, bustling streets of New York City.
Geoguess Master - Neocities
geoguess.neocities.orgGeoguess Master is a free and lazy geoguess game with no ads. Players compete how close the player can guess random locations in five rounds. You can share the score with other people via social media like Facebook or Twitter. You can play multiplayer game with your friends up to five friends.