Finland – Wikipedia › wiki › FinlandFinland (finska Suomi ), officiellt Republiken Finland (Suomen tasavalta), är en republik i norra Europa. Finland har landgränser till Norge, Sverige och Ryssland samt i söder havsgräns mot Estland. Mellan Finland och Estland ligger Finska viken.
Finland - Wikipedia , officially the Republic of Finland (Finnish: Suomen tasavalta; Swedish: Republiken Finland (listen to all)), is a Nordic country in Northern Europe. It shares land borders with Sweden to the northwest, Norway to the north, and Russia to the east, with the Gulf of Bothnia to the west and the Gulf of Finland … Näytä lisää
Finland - Wikipedia › wiki › FinlandFinland (Finnish: Suomi), offeecially the Republic o Finland, (Finnish: Suomen tasavalta), is a Nordic kintra situatit in the Fennoscandie region o Northren Europe. Wastlins, it haes a mairch wi Swaden, norlins wi Norawa an eastlins wi Roushie, while Estonie lees soothlins athort the Gulf o Finland.
Suomi – Wikipedia tasavalta (ruots. Republiken Finland) eli Suomi (ruots. Finland) on Pohjoismaihin ja Euroopan unioniin kuuluva parlamentaarinen tasavalta Pohjois-Euroopassa. Luonnonmaantieteellisesti Suomi on osa Fennoskandian niemimaata ja yksi Itämeren rantavaltioista. Itämeren osista Suomen alueelle ulottuvat Suomenlahti,
History of Finland - Wikipedia › wiki › History_of_FinlandFinland joined the European Unionin 1995, and replaced the Finnish markkawith the euroin 2002. According to a 2016 poll, 61% of Finns preferred not to join NATO.[3] Following the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, the numbers had shifted significantly, with 62% in favour of Finland joining NATO and 16% against.
Finland - Wikipedia › wiki › FinlandFinland covers an area of 338,455 square kilometres (130,678 sq mi) with a population of 5.6 million. Helsinki is the capital and largest city. The vast majority of the population are ethnic Finns. Finnish and Swedish are the official languages, Swedish is the native language of 5.2% of the population. [11]