Home - Suomi.fi
www.suomi.fi › frontpageIn Suomi.fi, the information, instructions and services you need to take care of matters have been compiled in one address. After identification into Suomi.fi, you can communicate with different organisations, grant and request mandates and check the data registered on you. Identification
Suomi – Wikipedia
https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/SuomiSuomen tasavalta (ruots. Republiken Finland) eli Suomi (ruots. Finland) on Pohjoismaihin ja Euroopan unioniin kuuluva parlamentaarinen tasavalta Pohjois-Euroopassa Itämeren perällä. Suomi rajautuu idässä Venäjään (Murmanskin alueeseen, Karjalan tasavaltaan ja Leningradin alueeseen), pohjoisessa Norjaan ja lännessä Ruotsiin. Etelässä Suo…
Finland - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › FinlandFinland (Finnish: Suomi ; Swedish: Finland [ˈfɪ̌nland] ), officially the Republic of Finland (Finnish: Suomen tasavalta; Swedish: Republiken Finland (listen to all)), is a Nordic country in Northern Europe. It shares land borders with Sweden to the northwest, Norway to the north, and Russia to the east, with the Gulf of Bothnia to the west ...
Finland or Suomi? - Go Finland
www.gofinland.org › finland-or-suomiBy the word of Suomi was called in the Middle Ages the province of Varsinajs-Suomi (actually the present Finland) at southwest coast of the country. Later, in the beginning of 15 centuries its name has extended to all Finland, in particular, the Swedish king Gustav Vaza called itself Grand duke of Suomi.
Suomi-Finland - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Suomi-FinlandSuomi-Finland is the sixth studio album of the Finnish rock band Sielun Veljet. It was released in 1988 between two English language albums, Shit-Hot and Softwood Music Under Slow Pillars. Suomi-Finland has a more acoustic sound than earlier Sielun Veljet material, anticipating the psychedelic, all-acoustic Softwood Music Under Slow Pillars. [2]
Suomi-Finland - Marttiini
www.marttiini.fi › SuomiFinlandKnifeSuomi-Finland. Notify on availability. 189.00 €. Product no.: 548018W. Finnish Lion cast in bronze. The roots of the Suomi-Finland knife go back more than 20 years. When Finland celebrated 80 years of independence in 1997 Marttiini naturally celebrated the event by making a knife. In 2009 the design of the knife was updated.
Home - Suomi.fi
https://www.suomi.fi/frontpageIn Suomi.fi, the information, instructions and services you need to take care of matters have been compiled in one address. After identification into Suomi.fi, you can communicate with different …
Etusivu - Suomi.fi
https://www.suomi.fi/etusivuSuomi.fi lyhyesti. Suomi.fi-verkkopalvelu auttaa erilaisissa tilanteissa olevia kansalaisia ja yrittäjiä. Suomi.fi kokoaa asioiden hoitamisessa tarvittavat tiedot, toimintaohjeet ja palvelut …