r/ffxiv - Flow - Official Lyrics from Liner Notes (6.0 Theme)
www.reddit.com › r › ffxivShould you meet a soul rising surface-ways With your unbeating heart, wish them well Deep, dark, far away, I have heard your voice, weighed your every choice I'll catch your tears, quench your fears with joy til you near the shore Where in time, all shall as hope be reborn, ah Hush, love, close your eyes, and in sleep abide 😿 Ikeddit
FFXIV - Lyrics: Flow · Crystal Universe
crystaluniverse.de › kolumne › lyricsI’ll catch your tears, quench your fears with joy ‚til you near the shore Where in time, all shall as hope be reborn, ah Hush, love, close your eyes, and in sleep abide As sun’s distant light, echoes down to dreams below Know you will wake, on winds rise again For this journey’s end is but one step forward to tomorrow