Demographics of Estonia - Wikipedia population increased from 1,351,640 in January 1970 to 1,570,599 in January 1990. After 1990, Estonia lost about 15% of its population (230,000 people). The population decreased to 1,294,455 by December 2011, a figure lower than that recorded in 1970. • 1,294,455 (2011 Population Count and Housing Census)
Demographics of Estonia - Wikipedia › wiki › Demographics_of_EstoniaThe population increased from 1,351,640 in January 1970 to 1,570,599 in January 1990. After 1990, Estonia lost about 15% of its population (230,000 people). The population decreased to 1,294,455 by December 2011, a figure lower than that recorded in 1970. 1,294,455 (2011 Population Count and Housing Census)
Estonia - Wikipedia culture of Estonia incorporates indigenous heritage, as represented by the Estonian language and the sauna, with mainstream Nordicand European cultural aspects. Because of its history and geography, Estonia's culture has been influenced by the traditions of the adjacent area's various Finnic, Baltic, Slavic and Germanic peoples as well as the cultural developments in the former dominant p…
Estonia - Wikipedia › wiki › EstoniaEstonia has won most of its medals in athletics, weightlifting, wrestling, and cross-country skiing. Estonia has had very good success at the Olympic games given the country's small population. Estonia's best results were being ranked 13th in the medal table at the 1936 Summer Olympics, and 12th at the 2006 Winter Olympics.
Estonia - OECD Data % of population aged 15+ Measured % of population aged 15+ 2014 Estonia (red) Find all indicators on Health. Innovation and Technology Latest Trend Ranking; Gross domestic spending on R&D Indicator: 1.6 Total % of GDP 2019 Estonia % of GDP: Total % of GDP 2000-2019 Estonia (red), OECD - Total (black) Total