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Estonia Wikipedia

Estonia - Wikipedia
Estonia , officially the Republic of Estonia (Estonian: Eesti Vabariik), is a country in northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland across from Finland, to the west by the Baltic Sea across from Sweden, to the south by Latvia, and to the east by Lake Peipus and Russia. The territory of
Estonia - Wikipedia
Estonia (în estonă Eesti; pronunție estonă: /ˈeːsti/ ), oficial Republica Estonia (în estonă Eesti Vabariik ), este un stat din regiunea Baltică din Europa de Nord. La nord are ieșire către Golful Finlandei, la vest către Marea Baltică, la sud se învecinează cu Letonia (343 km), și la est cu Lacul Peipus și cu Rusia (338.6 km).
Estonia - Wikipedia › wiki › Estonia
Estonia (Estonian: Eesti ()), officially the Republic of Estonia (Estonian: Eesti Vabariik), is a country in northern Europe.It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland across from Finland, to the west by the Baltic Sea across from Sweden, to the south by Latvia, and to the east by Lake Peipus and Russia.
History of Estonia - Wikipedia › wiki › History_of_Estonia
After Danes and Germans conquered the area in 1227, Estonia was ruled initially by Denmark in the north, by the Livonian Order, an autonomous part of the Monastic state of the Teutonic Knights and by Baltic German ecclesiastical states of the Holy Roman Empire. From 1418 to 1562 the whole of Estonia formed part of the Livonian Confederation.
Estonian Wikipedia › wiki › Esto...
The Estonian Wikipedia (Estonian: Eestikeelne Vikipeedia) is the Estonian version of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, started on 24 August 2002.
Estónia – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livreónia
Os estonianos são um povo fínico íntima e etnicamente ligado aos finlandeses e aos lapões. O país tem ligações culturais e históricas com os países nórdicos, [carece de fontes ] particularmente com a Finlândia, a Suécia e a Dinamarca .
Estonia - Wikipedia › wiki › Estonia
Estonia (în estonă Eesti; pronunție estonă: /ˈeːsti/ ), oficial Republica Estonia (în estonă Eesti Vabariik ), este un stat din regiunea Baltică din Europa de Nord. La nord are ieșire către Golful Finlandei, la vest către Marea Baltică, la sud se învecinează cu Letonia (343 km), și la est cu Lacul Peipus și cu Rusia (338.6 km).
Estonia - Wikipedia › wiki › Estonia
Estonia tarkoittaa seuraavia asioita: Viro, useilla eri kielillä Estonia, valtio; M/S Estonia, vuonna 1994 uponnut autolautta; Gustaf Eriksonin purjelaiva ...
Estonia - Wikipedia
L'Estonia (in lingua estone: Eesti), ufficialmente Repubblica d'Estonia (in lingua estone: Eesti Vabariik), con capitale Tallinn, è una repubblica parlamentare situata nell'Europa nord-orientale, confinante a est con la Russia e a sud con la Lettonia e bagnata a nord e a ovest dal Mar Baltico, che la separa dalla Finlandia e dalla Svezia. È il più settentrionale dei Paesi baltici, con i ...
List of islands of Estonia - Wikipedia › wiki › List_...
This is an incomplete list of islands of Estonia. There are 2355 islands in total. Contents. 1 Largest islands; 2 Incomplete list; 3 See also; 4 Notes ...
M/S Estonia - Wikipedia › wiki › S_Estonia
M/S Estonia (aiemmilta nimiltään Viking Sally, Silja Star ja Wasa King) oli vuonna 1980 käyttöönotettu, · Alus valmistui keväällä 1980 saksalaiselta · Estonia ...
Demographics of Estonia - Wikipedia › wiki › Demographics_of_Estonia
Today, Estonia is an ethnically fairly diverse country, ranking 97th out of 239 countries and territories in 2001 study by Kok Kheng Yeoh. In 2008, thirteen of Estonia's fifteen counties were over 80% ethnic Estonian. The counties with the highest percentage Estonians are Hiiu County (98.4%) and Saare County (98.3%).
Estonian uppoaminen - Wikipedia › wiki › Estonian_uppoaminen
Tämän vuoksi laiva kallistui aluksi noin 15 astetta ja pian sen jälkeen 30–40 astetta oikealle. Kallistuma sai aikaan myös sen, että vettä alkoi tulvia sisään ...
Estonia - Wikipedia › wiki › Estonia
L'Estonia (in lingua estone: Eesti), ufficialmente Repubblica d'Estonia (in lingua estone: Eesti Vabariik), con capitale Tallinn, è una repubblica ...
Viro - Wikipedia › wiki › Viro
Tämä artikkeli käsittelee Viron tasavaltaa. Muista merkityksistä kerrotaan täsmennyssivulla Viro. Viron tasavalta. Eesti Vabariik. Flag of Estonia.svg ...
Estonian uppoamisen salaliittoteoriat - Wikipedia › wiki › Estonian_uppoamisen_...
Kun Estonia oli uppoamassa, joissakin laivoissa havaittiin valaisematon tuntematon alus, joka kulki suoraan poispäin Estoniasta. Pelastuneiden ...
Estonia - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Estonia, oficialmente República de Estonia (en estonio, Eesti Vabariik), es uno de los veintisiete estados soberanos que forman la Unión Europea. Limita al sur con Letonia, al este con Rusia, al norte con el golfo de Finlandia y al oeste con el mar Báltico. ​ El territorio de Estoniacomprende una región continental y un conjunto de 222…
Name of Estonia - Wikipedia › wiki › Nam...
The name of Estonia has complicated origins. It has been connected to Aesti, first mentioned by Tacitus around AD 98. The name's modern geographical meaning ...
Estonia - Wikipedia › wiki › Estonia
listen)), officially the Republic of Estonia (Estonian: Eesti Vabariik), is a country in northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland ...