Dutch Hallmarks - Encyclopedia of Silver Marks, …
Hallmarking A - Silver guild marks used in some 35 of the larger towns and cities of the Netherlands from the 15th through 18th Centuries, this system remained in use until the time of the French occupation (1795-1813). In 1798 guilds were declared abolished but remained partially active until 1807.
Let's Explore Dutch Silver Hallmarks | AC Silver Blog
blog.acsilver.co.uk › 01 › 29Jan 29, 2015 · Purity Mark This mark is probably the easiest to spot when looking at Dutch silver and is always in the shape of a lion. The above purity mark shows a lion passant (the lion is in a walking pose with a front paw raised) and it is also accompanied by a number 2 at the bottom of the mark, this purity mark indicates the item is .833 purity silver.