Penile Doppler ultrasonography revisited - PMC › pmc › articlesJun 10, 2017 · Penile Doppler ultrasonography is a high-performing, noninvasive or minimally-invasive imaging modality that allows the depiction of the normal anatomy and macroscopic pathologic changes in real time. Moreover, functional changes in penile blood flow, as seen in erectile dysfunction (ED), can be analyzed using color Doppler ultrasonography (CDUS).
Pirullista peliä – WikipediaäPirullista peliä tai Mestarihuijarit (Sleuth) on Joseph L. Mankiewiczin ohjaama jännityselokuva vuodelta 1972. Sen on käsikirjoittanut Anthony Shaffer oman Tony-palkitun näytelmänsä Sleuth (1970, suom. Vainukoira ) pohjalta. Elokuvan pääosia näyttelevät Laurence Olivier ja Michael Caine, jotka olivat molemmat rooleistaan ehdolla Oscar-palkinnon saajiksi. Elokuva jäi Mankiewiczin viimeise…
Doppler Ultrasound of the Female Pelvis | Radiology Key › doppler-ultrasound-of-theMar 05, 2016 · However, Doppler also has a more general role to play in these cases as it has been shown that women with pain on menstruation have increased myometrial vascularisation during the early menstrual phase, 1 and that those with irregular bleeding are also more likely to show increased perfusion of uterine and sub-endometrial blood vessels . 2 The pathophysiology underlying these observations is not yet fully understood.
Doppler effect - Wikipedia Doppler effect or Doppler shift (or simply Doppler, when in context) is the change in frequency of a wave in relation to an observer who is moving relative to the wave source. It is named after the Austrian physicist Christian Doppler, who described the phenomenon in 1842. A common example of Doppler shift is the change of pitch heard when a vehicle sounding …