Disney Cruise Line
disneycruise.disney.go.com › homepage › enThe Disney Cruise Line Contact Center is currently experiencing high call volume due to operational impacts from Hurricane Ian. We appreciate your understanding during this time. Please check back for updates as they develop. We look forward to helping you with your travel plans. x.
The Walt Disney Company – Wikipedia
https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Walt_Disney_CompanyThe Walt Disney Company (tunnetaan yleisimmin nimellä Disney) on maailman suurimpia media- ja viihdeteollisuusyhtiöitä. Veljekset Walt ja Roy O. Disney sekä animaattori Ub Iwerks perustivat pienen animaatiostudion 16. lokakuuta 1923. Nykyään se kuuluu Hollywoodin suurimpiin elokuvayhtiöihin. Se omistaa myös yksitoista teemapuistoa ja useita televisioverkkoja, muun muassa American Bro…
Working at DISNEY | Jobs and Careers at DISNEY
jobs.disneycareers.comWhether Marvel, Star Wars or Disney, our consumer goods teams license and market our iconic intellectual properties. Consumer goods is responsible for growing and monetizing our brands through packaged goods, merchandising, licensing, publishing and retail to markets around the world, letting consumers of all ages own a piece of Disney magic.
Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida
disneyworld.disney.go.comDec 11, 2009 · For assistance with your Walt Disney World vacation, including resort/package bookings and tickets, please call (407) 939-5277. For Walt Disney World dining, please book your reservation online. 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM Eastern Time. Guests under 18 years of age must have parent or guardian permission to call.