Determiners - English, Grammar - Class Notes › english › grammarMar 05, 2021 · Determiner. A determiner in English grammar is a word placed in front of a noun to specify quantity or to clarify what the noun refers to. For example: the lake, an apple, my pencil, some paper, five trees, each person, that book etc. Determiners can be classified as : (1) Article (a/an, the) (2) A Demonstrative determiner (this, that, these, those)
Determiners - English Grammar Today - Cambridge Dictionary › grammar › british-grammarDeterminers are words such as the, my, this, some, twenty, each, any, which are used before nouns. Determiners include the following common types: Articles:a, an, the. Demonstratives:this, that, these, those. Possessives:my, your, his, her, etc. Quantifiers:(a) few, some, many, etc. Numbers:one, two, three, etc.
Determiners | Grammar | EnglishClub › grammar › determinersA guide to the English determiner, including articles (A/AN, THE), demonstrative determiners (THIS/THAT, THESE/THOSE), possessive determiners (MY, YOUR, HIS/HER/ITS, OUR, THEIR), quantifiers (ALL, EVERY, MOST, MANY, MUCH, SOME etc) and interrogative determiners (WHOSE, WHAT, WHICH). Learn to use determiners. Usage for English learners and teachers.