In English - Bioretec Ltd. › investorsApr 10, 2022 · Based in Tampere, Finland, Bioretec employs 26 dedicated professionals, supported by a top class Scientific Advisory Board with internationally recognized top-class surgeons as members. Latest. Half Year Report 2022 has been published (12.8.2022) Bioretec is participated the investor day organized by Inderes on May 23, 2022.
Bioretec has applied for its shares to be listed on Nasdaq ... › en › tiedotteetBioretec Ltd Company release 20 September 2021 at 12.45 p.m.EESTBioretec Ltd ("Bioretec" or the "Company") announces that it has today submitted a listing application with Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd for listing of the Company's shares (the "Shares") on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Finland maintained by Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd ("First North") under the trading code "BRETEC" (the "Listing").
Inderes Oyj › listautuminenSep 27, 2021 · Tieto on sijoittajan perusoikeus. Inderesin listautumisanti on ylimerkitty ja merkintäaika keskeytetty. Inderes Oyj:n listautumisanti on ylimerkitty yleisöannin sekä henkilöstöannin osalta, minkä johdosta Yhtiön hallitus on päättänyt listautumisannin merkintäajan keskeyttämisestä listautumisannin ehtojen mukaisesti ensimmäisenä mahdollisena ajankohtana 5.10.2021 klo 16.30.
Bioretec lyhyesti Lähde: Bioretec / Inderes5 2,0 MEUR (+33,6% vs. 2020) Liikevaihto2021 2003 Perustamisvuosi 2021 Listautuminen -2,7 MEUR(-133 % lv:sta) Liiketappio 2021 27 Henkilöstö H1’22lopussa 7,6 mrd EUR Ortopedisten traumatuotteiden markkina 2021 +9 % CAGR 2022-2027 Biohajoavien traumaruuvien kasvu päämarkkinalla
Bioretec: Bioabsorbable Implants for Orthopaedics - Bioretec Ltd.
bioretec.comBioretec’s Activa-series and RemeOs™ series provide a comprehensive variation of implants that degenerate in the body without harm. Our Activa series implants offer a metal-free solution to enhance bone healing. Upcoming implants from patented RemeOs™ series consist of rare-earth element (REE) -free bioresorbable and osteopromotive metal alloy for load-bearing applications.
Bioretec - › bioretec_seurannan_aloitusBioretec lyhyesti Lähde: Bioretec / Inderes 5 2,0 MEUR (+33,6% vs. 2020) Liikevaihto 2021 2003 Perustamisvuosi 2021 Listautuminen-2,7 MEUR (-133 % lv:sta) Liiketappio 2021 27 Henkilöstö H1’22lopussa 7,6 mrd EUR Ortopedisten traumatuotteiden markkina 2021 +9 % CAGR 2022-2027 Biohajoavien traumaruuvien kasvu päämarkkinalla
Bioretec - Inderes › en › companiesSep 22, 2022 · Bioretec is a medical technology company. The company specializes in the development of medical devices. The product portfolio includes, for example, implants for pediatric and adult orthopedics and other material for bone and soft tissue injuries. In addition to the main business, service and associated ancillary services are also offered.