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Best story games Reddit

Best story games : r/Steam - Reddit › comments
Best story games · Witcher series (especially 1 and 3) · Final Fantasy IX · GTA: IV · Dust: An Elysian Tail · Bioshock · CrossCode · Ghost 1.0 · Hollow ...
What are some of the best story driven video games? - › r › AskReddit
3. level 1. [deleted] · 27 days ago. Final Fantasy series – Final Fantasy 11 is known for having one of the most story driven videos games, and as a result it has been in the news a lot. I’ve heard that the other Final Fantasy video games will be a large part of this focus. Mass Effect series – Mass Effect 1 had a very impressive ending.
Gamers of Reddit, what game has the best storyline and why ...
Gamers of Reddit, what game has the best storyline and why? Close. 9. Posted by 6 years ago. Archived. Gamers of Reddit, what game has the best storyline and …
Best story mode game so far? : PS5 - reddit › best_story_mode_game_so_far
Maybe the best narrative game ever made. 20 level 1 Jmoose9 · 5m The last of us 1 and 2 6 level 1 Houderebaese · 5m Tlou 1 and 2 If you like action-movie like stories, then the Uncharted Series. If you like open world games, then Spiderman, God of War and Ghost of Tsushima are all fine games.
best story games? : gaming
best story games? Close. 1. Posted by 1 year ago. Archived. best story games? what u play with story? 27 comments. share. save. hide. report. 60% Upvoted ...
Best Story-Driven Video Games : r/gamingsuggestions - Reddit › perez9 › bes...
Best Story-Driven Video Games · The Longest Journey (and it's sequels, the Dreamfall games) · The Dig · Beneath a Steel Sky · Gabriel Knight.
What are some of the best story driven games of the past 5 ... › mcdzib › w...
What are some of the best story driven games of the past 5 years in your opinion? · Persona 4 · Catherine · Enderal: Forgotten Stories · Hellblade: Senua's ...
What's the best story game on steam? : r/pcgaming - Reddit › comments
What's the best story game on steam? · Witcher 3 · Red Dead Redemption 2 · Mass Effect 1 · Mass Effect 2 · Witcher 2 · Mass Effect 3 · Dragon Age Origins · Witcher 1.
Best story games to play : Steam
Best story games to play. Close. 13. Posted by 6 years ago. Archived. Best story games to play. So, i've revently finished the bioshock series and am looking for a new game with an amazing storyline. Any recommendations?
Good Story Games For PC : r/pcgaming - Reddit › jdrjk7 › goo...
Portal and Portal 2. CoD4:MW Alien: Isolation. Assassin's Creed Revelations and the rest of the Desmond Saga. Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Deus Ex: Human ...
PC Games with Best Storyline? : pcgaming
I literally just finished playing it for the second time about 5 minutes ago, such a good game with a really cool story (especially for a Fallout fan). The only thing that deserves mentioning is that the game is very linear. I mean it works well considering the game predominately takes place in a subway system, but it's far from open world.
Best story games? : gaming
Search all of Reddit. Log In Sign Up. User account menu. 4. Best story games? Close. 4. Posted by 1 year ago. Archived. Best story games? Looking for a new story game, it can any genre i dont really mind. 29 comments. share.
Rate 10 FF games by best story. : FinalFantasy - reddit › rate_10_ff_games_by_best_story
1.IX: 2.X 3.VII 4.VI 5.XII 6.X-2. 1: FFX - For me personally between the amount of twists and depth of the lore as well as beautiful scenes throughout it has the best story by a mile. 2: FFVIII - The first 2 discs are incredibly strong storywise and round off with the perfect battle of the gardens.
What’s a really good single player with a great story? - reddit › r › ShouldIbuythisgame
So I’m a huge fan of video games but I play single player games more because it’s something I prefer. Lately I’ve been looking for a game with a really good story to it. I’m currently on the ps5 and would like to know some suggestions you guys would possibly have. I’ll leave a list of games below that I’ve played so far.
Best story driven games? : r/PS5 - Reddit › comments › best_story_driven_...
Nier Replicant and Automata. Keep playing Horizon, it's starts off slow but I got hooked to the story. Life is Strange, What Remains of Edith ...
What’s a really good single player with a great story ...
So I’m a huge fan of video games but I play single player games more because it’s something I prefer. Lately I’ve been looking for a game with a really good story to it. I’m currently on the ps5 and would like to know some suggestions you guys would possibly have. I’ll leave a list of games below that I’ve played so far.
Top 10 best story driven PC games : r/pcgaming - Reddit › jtvkgg › top...
Just bought a new laptop and looking for recommendations on games to play! Rules are below: No Witcher series games.
What videogame has the best storyline? : AskReddit › r › AskReddit
These games I can play over and over and I wish they would re-release MP and MP2 with a graphics make over or make an XBox One three pack. It had pretty revolutionary game play and an adaptable AI that wouldn't let the game get too hard or too easy. And that is why Max Payne's tragic loss and redemption is and will always be my favorite story.
What are the best story-driven games? : r/patientgamers - Reddit › comments
Telltale can be hit or miss, but the ones I've enjoyed the most are The Walking Dead Season 1, Wolf Among Us, and Tales from the Borderlands.
What are the best story-driven games you've played? - Reddit › comments
Definitely Red Dead Redemption and Final Fantasy VI. Both are amongst the best games of their generations; and their stories are the main reasons. Excellent ...
Best single player story games on steam? : Steam - reddit › r › Steam
Sort by: best. level 1. · 5y. Witcher Fanboy. the first 2 Mass Effects are on steam and have one of the best singleplayer stories out there (although i highly recommend getting them on origin because of the retarded way the dlcs work) 51. level 2. · 5y. Mass Effect is arguably the best trilogy of the past decade.
Best storyline game : gamingsuggestions
Best storyline game. Close. 6. Posted by 4 years ago. Archived. Best storyline game. Like a good book waiting to see what's at the end what's the best storyline games? I liked Mass effect, Dragon Age, and the KOTOR series. Just bought a new razer blade laptop and looking to get the game on.